Rent Geared to Income: 32
The Ben & Esther Dayson residences are operated by Tivka Housing Society and is made up of townhouses and two- and three-bedroom+ units, geared to families. Rents are targeted to approximately 30% of gross household income. This co-op is part of a portfolio of properties developed by the Vancouver Community Land Trust Foundation that emerged from a Mayor’s Task Force in 2012, which recommended that the city lease land at a nominal rate to create new affordable rental housing. A new land trust was developed which took on portfolio of four housing projects on city land in 2015. The land trust has entered into operating agreements with non-profit providers.
Profile Maps Last Updated: July 2, 2024
**Priority Population(s): These are described for projects that explicitly fill some or all units with people who are part of a specific demographic that faces unique needs related to housing insecurity.
**Green Building Standard: This is described for projects that are designed according to a green building certification such as LEED (Gold/Platinum), Built Green (Gold/Platinum), and Passive House.
**Affordability Definitions:
Deeply Affordable – A home that is affordable to people on a very limited income, such income assistance, disability assistance, and income support programs for seniors.
Rent Geared to Income – A home that is available to people with modest incomes. Rent is calculated to be affordable based on the tenant’s income.
Moderate Income – A home that is available for a monthly rent that is equal to the low-end of rents available in the private market. Also referred to as ‘Middle Income’ and ‘Affordable Market’.